Black and white image of a door with Press Room written on the front Black and white image of a door with Press Room written on the front Black and white image of a door with Press Room written on the front

The Scoop

Each of our guest rooms is individually crafted to showcase a particular Nantucket news event, celebrated author or journalist or unique aspect of Nantucket life. While common areas display treasures like vintage typewriters, curated bookshelves, and historic newspapers, 76 Main is truly a luxury experience.

A view of the 76 Main Ink Press Hotel from the street A view of the 76 Main Ink Press Hotel from the street A view of the 76 Main Ink Press Hotel from the street

Going Green on the Grey Lady

As the only hotel on Nantucket powered by locally generated solar electricity, 76 Main Ink Press Hotel is one of the most eco-friendly buildings around. Nantucket is known for its natural beauty, which is why the island was designated a Massachusetts Green Community in 2020, committed to reducing energy use and emissions.